AWS Graviton Weekly # 80

Issue # 80: March 22, 2024 to March 29, 2024

Hey Reader.

Welcome to Issue # 80 of AWS Graviton Weekly, which will be focused on sharing everything that happened in the past week related to AWS Silicon: from March 22, 2024, to March 29, 2024.

Before doing the normal stuff I do here every week, let me share with you an exciting product I'm building here.

Some of you have always asked about having a single place with all the resources I've shared here in this newsletter since its foundation, but even better a place where you could quickly find the best tips about not only saving money using Graviton-based instances but also building more efficient operations as well.

That time has arrived: I'm just doing that. It's not ready yet, but it's coming in the upcoming weeks.

If you are interested, click on the button below and I will let you know when it will be ready.

Now, back to business.

Things you can't miss in this issue:

  • The video that explains how Adobe migrated its RTB platform from 0% in Graviton-based instances to 73% Graviton based, saved 20% of costs per EC2 instance in the process and the platform even more performant, in an incredible 23% improvement
  • AWS Compute Optimizer now supports 51 additional EC2 instances
  • and much more

Tool of the week: Antimetal



The Cloud Intelligence Dashboards is an open-source framework, lovingly cultivated and maintained by a group of customer-obsessed AWSers, that provides customers actionable insights and optimization opportunities at the scale of the organization. Supported by the Well-Architected framework, the dashboards can be deployed by any customer using a CloudFormation template or a command-line tool in their environment. These dashboards help customers drive financial accountability, optimize cost, track usage goals, implement best practices for governance, and achieve operational excellence across all Well Architected pillars.

Highly recommended to have a more holistic view of your AWS Billings every month.

Newsletter recommendation of the week

Image for Master Serverless

Master Serverless

by Yan Cui, AWS Serverless Hero

Join 8,500+ readers and level up you AWS game with just 5 mins a week. Every Monday, I share practical tips, tutorials and best practices for building serverless architectures on AWS.



Cost Optimization for Compute Workshop
(Monday 15th April 08:00 - 11:00 GMT-5)

At AWS, saving customers money is part of our DNA. It was a founding principle of AWS back in 2006 and continues to shape everything we do, from how we develop products to how we build greater efficiency into our operations. AWS is relentless in inventing new ways to increase performance while optimizing costs and today offers the broadest and deepest functionality for computing.


From the ARM Ecosystem

Marcos Ortiz

I'm a Data Engineer by day at Riot Games (via X-Team ) and by night, I curate the last news/product announcements/resources about AWS Silicon (Graviton, AWS Nitro, Inferentia, and Trainium).

Read more from Marcos Ortiz
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