AWS Graviton Weekly # 83: It's LAUNCH DAY: The Cloud Silicon Content Library is READY

Issue # 83: April 12, 2024 to April 19, 2024

Hey Reader.

Welcome to Issue # 83 of AWS Graviton Weekly, which will be focused on sharing everything that happened in the past week related to AWS Silicon: from April 12, 2024, to April 19, 2024.

I shared a little bit about last week's issue, and today is the day to finally reveal to you what I was working on a long time ago.

It's called the Cloud Silicon Content Library

But first, let me talk about the PROBLEM

When I started working on this newsletter, it was straightforward to keep you informed about AWS Silicon because the content wasn't abundant, and more centralized on their own AWS blogs.

But now, more and more teams and companies are using Graviton, Inferentia daily; many are kind enough to share their expertise.

Some in video form, others as case studies, and others as articles.

And some of you always asked me:

  • "Hey Marcos, can you give me some examples about using RDS on Graviton?"
  • "Or have you seen someone using Rust with Graviton?"

The answer to both of these questions is a big YES. However, I always had to do a quick Google search to look for it, and I had not used my time to organize this content.

More than 800 hours, countless times checking, organizing, and tagging more than 2500 resources related to AWS Silicon.

And the result is this one single place to find the best content related not only to AWS Silicon (Graviton, Inferentia, Nitro, Trainium); but it has grown to include the best content I've found about ARM custom chips on the cloud as well.

Currently, 95% of the content is related to AWS Silicon, but this will grow beyond AWS.

You should be wondering now about the price, right? It's just $98.

But of course: that price is for folks who are not subscribers of AWS Graviton Weekly.

Many of you have been here from Day One, so I have an amazing gift for you:

Use the code A5MDC1NW and get 50% OFF of the original price.

I just want a small favor from you: if you think that this resource will be valuable for a friend, or colleague; feel free to share it with them.

I will be forever grateful for that.

Of course, if you have any feedback about the product, or you think that one particular resource MUST BE in this content library, reply to this email and send me the details about it.

Now, let's back to biz with the regular content.

Tool of the week: CAST AI

If you are using Kubernetes on the cloud (AWS, GCP, or Azure), according to a new report from CAST AI, perhaps you are overspending on Kubernetes; and right now, every penny overspent; it's a penny that you can't use to what truly matters: growing your company and services.

CAST AI is the "magic wand" your company needs to save up to 60 percent of your Kubernetes-related cloud bills. Believe me: you will thank me later.




From the ARM Ecosystem

Marcos Ortiz

I'm a Data Engineer by day at Riot Games (via X-Team ) and by night, I curate the last news/product announcements/resources about AWS Silicon (Graviton, AWS Nitro, Inferentia, and Trainium).

Read more from Marcos Ortiz
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